Tuesday, August 31, 2004

New Changes and the Academic World

So I was just going to be done with my bolgging career when my summer ended. I mean I'm now back at BYU and I have no stories about little kids to relate to anyone. Then I heard that people were actually reading this thing. I thought that was interesting. I mean, I'm pretty sure that my blog isn't all that awesome. I do the bare minimum (but at least I write posts in it). I was asked to keep up with it during the school year so I figure why not.

So here's how the first day of classes went: I had three classes yesterday. My first class was statistics. It will be the regular big auditorium lame class that I have to take just to graduate. Then I have organic chemistry. Now this class scares the crap out of me. I'm taking the second half right now and just barely passed the first half. I asked two of my major professors (one was my academic advisor) if I should retake the first half or just go on and they both said don't look back. I talked to the professor of the class yesterday and he tried to be reassuring by saying that if I just spent 12-18 hours outside of class studying I should be fine. (Just so you know if I do 18 hours out of class a week that turns out to be six study hours for each hour of lecture!) And my last class of the day was Nutrient Metabolism. This is a class for my major. I'm not too excited about it though because it's really a nutrition class and I couldn't care less whether what people eat is nutritious. I only care if it gets to them quickly, safely, and if they like it. Oh well. Day one is a dud.

Day two will totally make up for it though! I have two classes on my Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are Food Commodity Processing and Food Regulations and Quality Assurance. This probably seems totally boring to everyone else in the world, but I went to my classes this morning and I must admit they got me SO EXCITED! I get to learn so much stuff in these classes. They seem like kinda big time committments, but I don't even really care. My food commodity processing class is a lab class and we go on a field trip aroud this area once a week. This week we are going to a water treatment facility in Orem that prepares drinking water for us. Pretty cool huh? Anyway, that's about it for the academic side of my life here.


Kim Dubois said...

YESSSSSS!!! Miss Margaret returns! I'm so excited. So Maggie, have you ever thought about signing up for the BYU Folk Music Ensemble? It changed my life. I'm 99.9% positive that you would love it, and it might make you enjoy your Mondays and Wednesdays more. You and Heather might want to just go to the auditions and see if it sounds like something you would like.

Thanks for starting your blog up again!

Katie said...

Mags, you should TOTALLY take Kim up on her offer. My whole time at BYU I kept trying to get involved with those people, but I never knew who to talk to and every time I did get some info I found out I was too late to do it. I would kill to be able to hook up with some cool folk musicians so easily.

Duh, everyone likes to read other people's blogs. Its like looking into someone's diary without the guilt of breaking someone's trust.

the narrator said...

hey!!!! call me or something... lets play

Heather said...

Folk Music Ensemble? ...very intriguing.
ps I finally posted on my blog if anyone wants to read it.

Maggie said...

I am too fresh, you stinky pips boy! I don't have to threaten Higgs to get her to do what I want. She loves me so she's always thinking of what's best for me. If you don't watch out I'm gonna use my ninja skills on you!