Saturday, July 16, 2005

New Insights

Ever since my sisters boyfriend has come on the scene he has been stirring stuff up. First of all he's a really manly man in that he played football and wrestled and recently has had some kickball fame. These are all very masculine things that I'm sure my dad was excited about from the start. On top of that he swing dances, sings (at least for Katie) and, my dad's new favorite, plays the piano. These are things I'm sure my mom loves. So he has been the topic of a few conversations lately, just because of his many talents. The one thing that has really stirred some controversy is his position on Q-tips. He is studying to be an ear doctor of sorts and thus is my personal expert on this topic. He thinks they are the worst invention ever. Nobody should use Q-tips for their ears...ever. I remember a conversation about cotton and ear wax and water hardening like and adobe brick inside of your ear and then you having to have that pulled out. OUCH, and YUCK all at once. Ever since hearing that I have had an internal struggle. I don't really like to live on the edge or do things that I know have a possibility of causing me pain, but I love Q-tips. I hate to have my ears in the wind or the cold or wet. The Q-tips solve that thrid problem. I used to use them everyday after I got out of the shower. When I heard what he had said I stopped using them completely. Cold turkey. In case any of you were wondering it wasn't a will power thing, I just ran out and was too lazy to buy more.
The story gets better because ever since I've come home I've wanted to buy myself some Q-tips. I mentioned this to my husband and the internal struggle turned external when he said, "You remember what Garrett said." So my husband is anti Q-tips as well. Tonight I was unpacking some of my things while moving into our place for a while and I opened a box of bathroom stuff and found a WHOLE BOX of Q-tips unopened. I must have purchased them and shipped them home before having heard of the wax brick that could form in my ear. Now the problem is do I open the box and experience that wonderful feeling of clean? Do I just leave the box there? I'd hate to waiste them! Anyway, I have to go do laundry now.


Heather said...

Margs two things:

1- Just use your finger to get the excess surface wetness out (then wash your hands), your ears will dry quicker this way.

2- If you want an invitation sent to you personally (instead of looking at your parents') your going to have to call me and tell me what your address is.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't make any sense. Of course a cotton swap will absorb water better than your finger. Who do you know that's ever hurt themselves with a Q-tip anyway?

Katie said...


shafnitz said...

I don't think Mr. Anonymous understood the point. But here's a suggesetion: Fill your ear with hydrogen peroxide and keep your head sideways so it stays in there. After a few minutes tilt your head to get the hydrogen peroxide out. You should be able to use a q-tip to get all the extra wax out. I think this will probably cancel out the whole hardening thing. Just my method...

Maggie said...

Mattie--I'll have to ask the ear doctor about that. I probably wont for a couple of days though as he has to take a really big 3 day test this week (starting today) and then on Saturday is my sister's birthday. He's probably pretty busy.
The Heat--I called you on Sunday and left a message on your cellular telephone that included my address and a couple of other details about my life. I'm DIEING to talk to you so I probably will call again sometime this week-unless you need my number in which case call me ASAP.
Anonymous-I actually have heard of several people hurting themselves with Q-tips, but mostly just because they were being stupid. I have never heard of anyone being hurt while using them in the proscribed way. The ear doctor is an expert in the matter though so I'm inclined to believe what he says about the ear wax brick.

Maggie said...

The Heat- and by number I really mean my address