Saturday, November 19, 2011

Way Too Much

There's a family story in Dan's family about when his niece Katelyn was little. After spending some time with her, young Dan commented that he could never be a mom because there was too much talking.

Yesterday the kids and I went to one of my routine prenatal check-ups. As we got out of the car Greg was talking about how windy and cold it was, which I had no sympathy for since he was the one who chose to not wear a coat. As we checked into the office Greg was commenting on the hanitizer, the cough shields, and the children's cough shields with cartoon characters on them. As we were sitting waiting in reception he was talking about the water fountain and the disposable cups. As the nurse was checking my weight and blood pressure he was talking about not needing a flu shot. As the doctor was checking the fetal heart tones and the fundal height he was talking about the stickers in his book. As we waited to get Charlotte's flu shot he again talked about the water fountain. (Charlotte ended up wasting about two pounds of tears since we found out she was a good candidate for the nasal spray and didn't even get a shot.) As we were checking out he was talking about McDonald's (which was my last ditch effort to get Charlotte to stop crying before we found out about the nasal spray).

At that point the lady from the check-in desk came over and jokingly asked, "Does he ever stop talking?"

No. No he doesn't.

It's a good thing that I was there instead of Daniel.


Mindy said...

Greg and Gunner can have "talking competitions" starting in June. Let's get them together and see who can get a word in edgewise!

I can't wait to hear all that Greg has to say. He has changes so much in the past few months. I miss him.

Dan's mom said...

Oh, I think Dan would have been fine - he has no trouble with the hearing/listening part. It's the "mom talking" part, the explaining, correcting, directing, instructing part that he didn't think he could do. And yet he does it very well with Charlotte & Greg when he has the chance- in "dad" amounts.

dad said...

I wonder if Greg takes after his grandpa?