Friday, July 06, 2007

"Mom Clothes"

My brother is 10 years older than I am. He and his wife got married when I was somewhere in the 13 year-old range. Once after they were married my mom, sister, and I were with her and her baby girl and I said to her that she wears "mom clothes." I did not say this as an insult, just a statement of fact. I didn't realize how much it must have hurt her feelings, but with her reaction I knew I had said something wrong. It is only until now that I realize what a horrible thing I must have said to her!

Ever since having a baby I have felt just like I did at 12 when my body had changed shape and I didn't like the way it looked. I didn't know how to dress it, and I was sure it didn't look as good as the girls around me. Now I have that same feeling, but for different reasons. At three months post partem I was still in maternity (or once you've had the baby I like to call them fat-girl) clothing. Then my dad of all people said it really was time for me to get out of maternity wear. In my heart I knew he was right. He had been right for a good month. The reason I was still in maternity clothing was three fold:
  1. I no longer fit into my old clothing. Everything was too tight or just didn't fit right.
  2. I didn't want to spend the money to get new clothing.
  3. I worried that becuase my old clothing made me look and feel fat, going shopping for new clothing would confirm that yes, I really was a fatty.
The thing is that I realized I was wearing the same oversized T-shirts and baggy jeans every week! YUCK!

Yesterday I went shopping with my mom and dad (my mom really is the best person for me to shop with! She tells me the truth and we can be silly in the dressing rooms). And do you want to know the truth? Once I gave up trying to be what I used to be and really trying on things that fit the new me I realized that I still look good! It felt good too. Clothing that fits is the best thing in the whole world! I feel so much better now! I know this might sound vain, like I shouldn't be worrying about all this because I have a new baby that is the most precious thing, but I do. Once I stopped feeling guilty about feeling ugly I was able to move forward to a new me. Plus, I'm only one size bigger than I was before the baby. That's pretty good I'd say.

Now my new clothing isn't what I used to wear. I don't think that it is "mom clothes" either. I'd like to think it's somewhere in between. Older, more grown up clothing, but that fits and looks good too.


The Barkers said...

I feel your pain! I'm so glad that you have found new clothes that make you feel good about yourself - that is so important as a new mom! Sometimes, we just have to give back to ourselves, which can be very difficult, I know! Congratulations on turning another mommy corner!! Haha!

Anth said...

I think I understand what you're saying. After my baby was born, I felt composed of strange lumps and I was not very happy about it. But eventually I realized it was because I was trying to wear too-tight jeans and I just needed to get out there and find some new clothes that fit my "mom body." (I only grew one size too, so it wasn't hard.)

At about three or four months postpartum I asked another mom, who had four kids, how long does it take for a body to recover??? And she said about a year. And I say she's about right. It's gradual.

Undercover Mom said...

Wash U Med? I ask because my hubby did his residency there!

It took me forever to admit that my body was different. And even though now I'm the same bra size, I can't wear the bras I wore before. It does take a year to get back to "normal", whatever that is, but don't give up. :)