Monday, November 26, 2007


I really should have known better!  A word to the wise, when you're running late to catch your flight home from vacation at your parents' house, your husband should always check the areas that you packed and you should always check his.  If, say, you are in charge of packing the things we left in their office and he doesn't do one last check before you leave you might have your glasses left behind.  That's OK, I think I just wear contacts or squint for four weeks until we go back.  If, then, he is in charge of packing the bathroom items and you do not do a final check before running out the door you might find out once you're home that he left:
  • your facial cleanser
  • your razor
  • your favorite lip balm
  • your hair spray
  • your mousse
  • your hair dryer
  • your curling iron

It's going to be an interesting four weeks.  Does anyone else realize that it's just my stuff we left?  Luckily I have some cleanser (which I don't like as much), and we can have a designated blade for me on my husband's razor, but I think I'm going to have to go buy more mousse and hair spray.  


Anonymous said...

Can't your mom mail you your things?

Katharina said...

Frowny face. Hope you get by okay until you're reunited with your goods. Maybe anon. has a point--plus, it would be a great reason for your baby to rake in some spoils courtesy of doting grandparents. ; )

Katie said...

Yeah, I saw all that stuff after you guys left. I guess I was too busy loving the baby to mention it to you. My bad.

Maggie said...

Buying new hair spray and mousse isn't a big deal because I'll eventually use it all. It would cost just as much to ship a hair dryer as it would to just go buy a cheapie and I don't really need it so I'll just forgo the rest of the things for a few weeks.

As for loving the baby, I'd rather you do that than have my hair dryer for four weeks anyway!

Anth said...

Ooh, bad husband. Ha ha

Maggie said...

Well, it was my fault too. I totally forgot the glasses, which stinks since I usually wear them all day when I'm just staying at home.