Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Am Not A Runner

Not sure if anyone noticed, but my New Year's Resolution was to get myself in shape. Boy was that half hearted, huge flop for the beginning of the year. Then my friend, a runner, had her baby and was cleared for exercise at her six week check-up. Most of her running friends were still pregnant. I told her that I would join her since nobody else could and also she was six weeks postpartum. If someone who had a baby six weeks ago can do this then I can.

So we started. Then we were joined by her other running friends when they were cleared for exercise. Now we go so long as the weather co-operates, (nobody wants to run with a severe weather warning on our hands) our husbands are home to watch the kids, and we have enough new nursing mothers who aren't too tired to run. Sad to say, but even with all these other ladies just having had babies, I'm pretty sure I'm still the slowest. I'm super lucky to already be really close friends with them. I know that even if I slow them down, they're happy I'm there.

I'm still not a runner. I'm not very good and I wouldn't say I enjoy the feeling of breathlessness that running induces. My friend, the runner, says that nobody (not even runners) likes building up to being able to run 2 miles continuously so I'm trying and hoping she's right. After that I hope I enjoy the exercise more.

Even with all that I think this process has taught me a lot about myself.
  • I may not like exercise, but I do like and even crave being with other women talking and not worrying about my kids.
  • I need to have someone else counting on me to show up in order to exercise. If I don't then I wont go.
  • Exercising makes me sleepy. REALLY sleepy. The past three days I've taken a nap in the afternoon and still gone to bed sometime in the 8 o'clock hour.
  • I kind of like the idea of being a runner. I'm not there yet, and I'm not sure if I'll get there, but it would be cool to have something I "do" if that even makes sense.
  • Though I got new running shoes at the beginning of this process, I'm becoming more aware of the running clothing that would be nice to have.
  • I'm now worried/nervous about building up my abilities just to move and lose not only people to run with, but time in which I can run.


Nurse Graham said...

Hang in there with the running. It took me a long time to start to enjoy it. And you are right, sometimes good running clothes can make running more enjoyable. My tip...don't run in cotton socks, use smartwool or Asics Coolmax (I think that is what the name is).

Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad Maggie, there are very few true runners in the world. I used to think that I enjoyed it, then I realized that I am most likely just an idiot :).


Jenny said...

Darcie (my running idol... but I don't attempt to emulate her in that area of my life yet) says even though she runs miles and miles daily she only actually enjoys about one out of every ten runs. She can eat whatever she wants though and looks great so that's a bit motivating. Good luck.