Friday, August 26, 2005

Day 2

Just so everyone knows, my wonderful sister sent me a link to a site that is basically some professor teaching me about the subject I was having trouble with. Athough it was very helpful and I was incredibly greatful it still did not help me answer the stupid problem. I came to the point where I decided that since it wasn't a question that had to be graded anyway I would just skip it and try to move on with my life (something that is very hard for me to do when I haven't figured out a problem that I SHOULD know). I have learned quite a bit today, but I think I'm still going to need another day to review the problems I did today and try and complete them in one go. Today I had to start each question over three times before I could get them right. Stupid algebra and physics. Anyway, at least I'm moving in the positive direction. Plus, today I was in a better mood about my life, which you wouldn't think had any relevance to physics questions, but it did somehow.


Anonymous said...

When I was taking physics I would often read the chapters and understand the principles, but then when I'd go to work a problem I'd have a really hard time figuring out how any of the stuff that I'd just read about even applied to it.
It got easier eventually.

Maggie said...

I guess the problem really is my lack of time. Since I just finished my summer job and I have almost a month until school starts I have all my time to devote to this class, but I need to get as much as I possibly can before school starts. I SHOULD have tons of time, but in reality I'm cutting it really short. I feel a lot of pressure just to finish the course.

Anonymous said...

It's probably not realistic to finish an entire physics course in a month. Maybe you should go easy on yourself and not stress.

Maggie said...

Yeah, I know I wont finish it before school starts, but I'd still like to get as much done as humanly possible beforehand.