Monday, December 05, 2005

Who says that?

Yesterday I was at church. After sacrament meeting I was sitting next to my husband when this woman who was visiting the ward walks up to me and says, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met." Then she turns to Dan and says, "That means you're the luckiest man." I was so surprised by this, all I could say was, "Thank you." I told my husband after church that the whole thing was weird and he reminded me of another recent incident where a different lady (I think she was a raving lunatic) said almost the same thing. At the time I just told him that the first lady was for sure crazy so you couldn't take her word for it. (There's more to that story, but rest assured, she was CRAZY.)

Now that I have had some time to think about it a few questions have popped into my head.
  1. Who says that? Who walks up to a complete stranger and just says that? Kinda weird.
  2. Who would actually believe what some stranger says? Doesn't that seem sort of conceited? "Why yes, I am the most beautiful woman I know too!" Weird.
  3. What is the appropriate answer? My mom would say to accept the complement gracoiusly and move on. It was awkward. I wasn't gracious. I had nothing witty to say. I was just shocked.

Plus, I don't think I'm all that beautiful. I would say I'm on the good end of average. The only unaverage thing about me is my hair, which happens to be red, and I have only gotten the hang of managing it in the last 3 years. All growing up it was either cut way short or in a pony tail or really, really frizzy/big. Even now most days it's tied back into a knot, a practice which I'm sure I will miss when I decide it's time to not do that anymore. I rarely even think about how I will look when dressing in the morning (because I'm usually just focused on keeping myself warm during the day). Anyway, I'm sure this brought up all sorts of issues that could be interesting for discussion, but I'm not quite sure what they are. I just wanted to give everyone a head's up on the issue of crazy women running around.


Anonymous said...

well post a photo so we all can see, I bet it's true that you are the most beautiful woman in the world and you are being quite modest.

Katie said...

She is the most beautiful woman. Go on over to my blog and see for yourself.

Maggie said...

Are you my cousin Rachel? Even if you aren't the tire shoes look pretty awesome.