Saturday, October 14, 2006

Out of Control

I'm sure I'm not alone in this feeling, but I still wanted to vent my frustration about it for a little while. I feel like my emotions are completely out of my control right now. Not only that, I feel like they are very volatile--if I'm happy then I'm the happiest I could ever be, if something happens that normally would irk me a little right now it seems like the biggest problem. Most frustrating of all is that I feel like it takes almost all of my energy not to cry at the weirdest moments in front of everyone. My worst fear is that I'm just going to break down in front of everyone and completely embarass myself and probably my hsuband at the same time. I just want to hide away right now until things calm down. Then I think that's silly since I figure the reason for this instability is my pregnancy and that's not really going away anytime soon. I can't just be a hermit and not live my life. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to run away from home for a week though? I could go somewhere and just relax and not worry about how I seem to anyone else. That's completely impractical right now though.


Heather said...

That's how I feel about taking the pill as well. I hope when I get pregnant I will be less emotional than I am now.
If you broke down and started crying in front of me I would understand. It is so embarrassing crying in front of people sometimes. Especially since I am very happy with my life and there's really no reason for me to cry, except that the pill makes my emotions over-react to everything.

Katie said...

I don't know if my issue is caused by the pill like Heather's, but lately I feel really sad inside sometimes. Even at times when I am actually perfectly happy I often just want to burst into tears. At least you can blame the pregnancy...I just look over emotional and ridiculous! My poor husband!

Katie said...

Take the week off and come be with me. You can lay around and watch sappy chick movies all day and then the ear doctor and I will make you a beautiful dinner. I loves you baby!

Maggie said...

I really really do want to take some time off and come see you! I was thinking that maybe I'd see what I could do in November, but I need to figure out how much it would cost.

be said...

I know I'm a boy, but that's actually how my painkillers made me feel after my knee surgery. Of course, I could just stop taking the drugs and go back to my normal level of insanity.

Anonymous said...

One of the perks of pregancy IS being allowed to cry any time, any where and everyone is OK with it. It is truly amazing what all those extra hormones can do to a perfectly normal, rational woman.