Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Lately I've been having this recurring daydream so I thought I'd share it. In my daydream Dan has time off of everything, school, house, church, etc. We are able to have Charlotte stay with someone (this usually oscillates between either set of grandparents) and I'm not pregnant. Sometimes in my dream I've already had Greg and he's with Charlotte, but sometimes he's just inexplicably taken care of. Either way I'm not pregnant. Then Dan and I have enough money to go on a week long vacation together. The destination changes each time, but here's what doesn't. We take so much time just sleeping. We lay in bed until noon one day. We, of course, go out and see the sights of the different places we visit in my daydream, but mostly we just stay together and sleep, and read and enjoy each other's company. We take no thought of what to eat because we have a budget to just go buy food. There is also no wrangling children into and out of clothing, on and off the potty, brushing teeth ("stop biting the toothbrush!"), or putting them to bed. Yesterday I was thinking about this I had to laugh at myself to know that my dream vacation right now involves a whole lot of doing nothing. Don't get me wrong, I love my children. Charlotte is so wonderful and I enjoy fully being her mother. I feel like I'm starting to bond with baby Greg too so that's great. But also, right now, a little vacation wouldn't hurt anything either.

And in case you didn't know, my sister, brother-in-law, mom and dad are in Disneyworld this week and my mother-in-law, and father-in-law are in Hawaii.


TRS said...

Yeah, knowing everyone you love is on vacation - must have you wishing you were too. I wish I were!

And I bet anyone would love a vacation from being pregnant! even if it's 5 hours.

Let me just say, what stuck out here - is that you have Charlotte potty trained?! Whoo hoo! Good for you for doing it in a timely fashion. When I see toddlers (three and four year olds) running around in diapers, I picture the entire state of Colorado as a giant landfill. So depressing. I think that's lazy parenting.
Good for you for being home to do it. You'll be so happy not to have two kids in nappies!!

Katie said...

Not to brag, but your daydreams sound like my Saturdays


Maggie said...

TRS- Thanks! It's always nice to get a pat on the back every once in a while. Although, I do have to say that Charlotte was one of those rare cases that pretty much potty trained herself. It was about three days of torture, but then we were done with it.

Katie- You are wicked!

Anonymous said...

Charlotte's daddy decided one day (he was 2 1/2) that he was finished with diapers. That was it. Nice to know that trait got passed along.
I guess now we know what you want to do on vacation in June. We'll try our best to let it happen.
From Katie's blog, it looks like your dad was having a different sort of daydreams on his trip.... Since BOTH grandpas can do that, we'll see if Charlotte becomes a "drop of the hat" sleeper.

MSmith said...

....and on the subject of dreams....your Uncle Garth and I had the SAME DREAM last night. How creepy is that? We are trying to figure out what it means. All interpretations are too scary to write online.

Anonymous said...

Keep dreaming, that dream will come true sooner than you think.

It wasn't that long ago when you and Katie were in diapers.

Timmses said...

Hmmm... I have to say I would happily adopt your daydream as my own. A TRUE vacation, what a concept! That being said, it's less than two weeks until spring break (okay, I've been a little behind on the blog world lately). It's no exotic destination, but it will do!