Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hopeless Romantic

My husband is in a men's basketball league that plays games every Saturday. Every Saturday that, except for this coming Saturday, that is. I noticed this a couple of weeks ago, but didn't think to mention it to him. Then, during half time of the game last Saturday the announcer said, "Well men, there wont be any games next Saturday, so take your wife out and do something nice for her." Assuming he meant for Valentine's Day I thought this was a nice thing for them to do.

Later that afternoon, my husband stood looking at his list of house projects to complete and our calendar of when we might do them and said, "Oh! It looks like we don't have a game next weekend. I wonder why that is?" To which I replied, "Really? You seriously don't know why that would be?" The blank look on his face made me realize that he wasn't joking as I had though. So I walked over to the calendar, pointed to the double underlined "Valentine's Day" on the calendar and said, "You seriously don't know why they aren't having games next Saturday? You didn't hear the announcer say, 'Well men, there wont be any games next Saturday, so take your wife out and do something nice for her.'?" To which he replies, "All I heard was, 'there wont be any games next Saturday.'"

I was laughing about this to myself as I emptied the dishwasher this morning. I'm married to a man that has me help tile a bathroom for our anniversary and has no clue about Valentine's Day. He hasn't once bought me flowers. But you know what he has done? He was the one that filled the dishwasher up and ran it last night, and the night before that, and the one before that too. In fact he's been quietly doing so much stuff around our house since I started this pregnancy I'm overwhelmed by his love for me. So no, I wont be getting any little gifts to celebrate this coming Saturday, but that's ok because he truly is my Valentine.


TRS said...

That's the way it oughta be. In that you know of and are secure in his love every day - therefore obligatory gestures are not needed.

Nice. But not needed.
Better to get flowers on a random Tuesday than on Valentine's day, I always say.
(except I call it Single's Awareness Day!!)
Oh and I also say he should get you flowers occasionally. Unless you really don't want them.

Maggie said...

Flowers would be nice sometime, but right now I'd rather spend that money on things that will last a little longer. He knows that. Also, he has a hard time getting something that has no "function" in his mind. Which makes me laugh since the function of flowers is to be pretty.

Angelavon said...

i love this story. it is the perfect example of how different men and women are. it cracks me up.

that is so sweet how dan is taking care of you!