Wednesday, October 02, 2013


My son Greg has a personality all his own.  Here are a few things he's said that I thought were funny.

 "It's cold enough to freeze an egg out here!" (Only in Minnesota.)

Me:Greg, tell me a story.
Greg: But Mom, I already told you the only story that I know! (Because we are all only given one story to tell in life.)

"Let's play monsters and zompies." (The monsters are always the good guys and zompies are awful.)

Charlotte has a much coveted library card. The rule is you have to be able to write your own name. Greg figured that out last week.  Guess who is the new proud owner of his very own library card?

1 comment:

Dan's mom said...

This is shaping up to be a better week already! Who doesn't love a good Monsters VS Zompies story?Plus Greg has a less complicated name to spell so he got his card early - pretty darn good.