Friday, July 30, 2004

Baking Soda

Today we made VOLCANOS! The kids were so excited about this. They'd been waiting all week. We first made the volcano out of sand clay that dries as hard as a rock. The volcano was shaped around a film container. The little black ones you get your rolls of film in. Then they decorated them and then we went outside to have them errupt. Well, really it's just baking soda and vinegar colored red. So when I was going down the line each kid asked me what that powder was that I was putting in. When I told them baking soda they all asked things like, "can you eat it?" I answered all their quesitons until I got to the last kid, Diego. Instead of asking a question he said, "One time we mixed water and baking soda because my bum itched so much." All I could say was, "Wow, that sounds like your mommy really knows what she's doing!"

1 comment:

the narrator said...

so will that stop the itch? i've been looking a remedy