Thursday, July 29, 2004

Over the Limit

Today in class Cooper said that he had to go potty and so I told him to go and to remember to shut the door.  He was gone for a while (little kids are really slow going to the bathroom on their own).  Then he walks into the door of the class, wearing only his undies.  He yells out to the class, "I'm wearing my new underwear!"  Everybody could see and was checking out his new underwear so I said, "That's great Bob the Builder underwear, now you should go and put your shorts back on."  Little kids are so excited about cool undies.  It's pretty cute.


the narrator said...

i wish i could get excited about my new underpants, but now they are all the same. no fun there.

i wanna talk to you maggie!!

M said...

Maggie, you have the best job in the world! I have read most of your postings and everything you write about is so cute!

Heather said...

One time my family went to see a disney movie at the theatre, this was when I was probably 10 or so. Anyway, a preview for the Pocahontas movie came on, and Paige yells at the top of her lungs, "I have that kind of underwear!"