Monday, July 12, 2004

Creative Kisses

It happened again today! This happened to me once last year and I thought it was a once in a lifetime experience. I was wrong.

Today, at the end of one of my classes one of my little kids was leaving. He ran up behind me to say good bye and he wrapped his arms around my legs at his height and gave me a hug and a kiss. Now if you know how tall these small children are I'm sure you've already figured out where the kiss landed. Right on my bum! Yes, I was kissed on the bum today. Don't you wish you had a job where people were kissing your bum?

Another time (this was last week) a little boy was leaving and his mom was trying to get him to say thank you and goodbye. She kept saying, "What do you say?" This has happened to him in many situations and he didn't quite know what to do. Instead of saying the intended response he just blew me a kiss. Like that's the customary thing to do when you're leaving. It was so cute!


Katie said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and I am so proud of the person you are, and who you are becoming.

The other night was talking with the mail man about how strange it is to feel like your younger siblings are no longer really younger than you. It feels like we are more peers now, which is cool. I don't feel like the big sister who is experiencing everything first anymore. You're doing things on your own and making your own path which I think is great. Also, I think it is awesome that you have such good advice for me. I love to hear what you think because you almost always come up with a different perspective than me.

Anyway, I just had a down moment and thought I'd give you a shout out.

Maggie said...

Man I love you Katie! I would have to disagree with you on one point though. Even though I'm experiencing things in a different order and am in your same stage of life, I still feel like the little sister. I like to know that you wont let anybody else beat me up and that I can cry to you. I like to know that you can still beat me up and that a lot of my tears will be met with a buck up. I love you always and forever!