Saturday, September 11, 2004

Frogger, Homework, and a Surprise!

So I was hit by a car when I was in the fifth grade. I went to the hospital and was out of school for about two weeks. This has been a defining moment in my life. People think I should have gotten over my fear of crossing the street and getting hit by a car. I haven't yet and I probably wont. I remember being in all that pain and I'd rather not do it again. I do NOT like to cross the street outside of those little white lines of security and I definitely don't cross the street when the red hand is showing us the warning that "you will get hit if you cross now." (At least that's what the red hand means to me.) With all this in mind let me just say that I live two blocks south of the BYU campus. This means that I have to cross two pretty busy streets to get to campus. I feel like everyday I am in my own personal game of frogger. None of the people driving their cars on those two streets are ever paying attention to what they're doing. (This is my personal feeling about all drivers in the United States. They're doing and/or thinking about too many other things while driving.) At any rate they're not looking to see if someone is going to be crossing. If you just step out in front of one assuming they'll stop you'd be wrong. A couple of days ago this theory was proven correct. I saw someone almost DIE trying to cross 800N. He stepped out assuming that the right of way protection that those little white lines gave him would keep him safe, but he was WRONG! He realized that a car on the street did not in fact see him and so he had to run back to the sidewalk. I'm sure he saw his life flash before his eyes. He obviously never played frogger as a kid.

My second subject is homework. I have spent approximately ALL DAY SATURDAY doing homework. I have an estimated 3-4 hours of homework left. How crazy is this?! Sometimes I'd rather give up and decide that I'm not doing school anymore. On the plus side I'm going to get 100% on my second quiz of my organic chemistry class. That's pretty exciting. I'm off to a great start!

Surprise! My boyfriend is coming on Monday! I am so excited. I have been counting down the days on this blackboard in my apartment for about a week now. I'm so girly I can't even stand it, but I haven't seen him in three weeks and I miss him so much. Things with him and me for this school year will be pretty rocky since he's going to be in Oregon and I'll be in Utah. I hope I'll be able to go the whole year and get pretty good grades. That's really my goal for the year. Just make it through with pretty good grades. High aspirations huh? Yeah, I'm awesome.


katezmom said...

You will make the world safe for all pedestrians if you can. Way to go! Saw the wrestler boy at church today, he still looks great. I had to talk and surprise, surprise I got through it. Hope it was well recieved, but I can never tell. Seattle group is doing OK and we (especially your sister) made herself sick on fair food.

Anonymous said...

What's your boyfriend's name? -SAM

Katie said...
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Katie said...

His name is Dan Whiting (I think that's how you spell it) and he is the COOLEST!