Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Lessons Learned

With the exception of talking about Dan a little, I've tried to steer clear of personal stuff on this thing. This post might be another slight deviation from the plan, but a friend taught me a lesson yesterday that I'd thought I'd already learned. It was pretty good to be reminded of it and I wanted to try and pass it on to everybody else. So here goes.

Relationships are fluid becuase people are fluid. Everyone is changing and going in different directions and so it follows that their relationships will as well. It's ok when things change. You are a true friend when your actions are motivated by a true desire to see the other person doing what's best for them and being happy.

It's so funny to admit that I hadn't known all that before. I thought I did, but it was so understatedly shown to me yesterday that perhaps I didn't understand the meaning behind those words.

So to all my friends out there. Ones that I keep close to me and those that are farther away, I wish you all the best. I want you to be happy and to make the best decisions for yourself. Whether my presence in your life is big or small just know that I care about you and that I'm always worried for you. Thank you for being my friends.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Just so you know I want what's best for you too. If I thought you were going to crumble up and die if I left you, there's no way I would do it. But I know you're a big girl, and I still haven't come to a final decision yet either. At any rate, above all you should know that I love you, and your presence in my life has been HUGE! Thanks for everything!