Wednesday, January 12, 2005

When you've lived with girls too long

Last Sunday, I took my roommates over to my aunt and uncle's house for a nice Sunday Dinner. Well, everything was going great! My sister was in town so, of course, the family favorite topic of conversation was discussed. That would be skiing if any of you are unaware of my sister's new obsession. Also, I felt that my aunt and uncle did a wonderful job including my roommates. The dinner was a particularly tasty meal with my aunts wonderful homemade rolls. To top it all off a dessert of warm, freshly baked brownie with ice cream and real hot fudge was served. My uncle made this delicious concoction. He had it set out in the laundry room to cool on the extra microwave in that room. We were all sitting at the table in blissful anticipation when, with much pride, he brought it in. My aunt, doing her usual running around clean up went over to the bar to help serve. She suddenly started laughing. We all look over and she gasps out, "Look at what your uncle used as hot pads!" She is holding up two hot pink panties! Yes, my uncle, assuming that the brownies were resting on two hot pads just picked up the panties and brought them in with the brownies without even noticing that anything was amiss. I think this is a testament to what happens when the only boy has been out of the house for three years now and the three girls remaining take over the place. (PS. the panties were clean)


Katie said...

Good job telling the story. I was going to tell it on my blog, but couldn't do it justice.

Maggie said...

I don't know if I did it justice, but I tried to imbue it with humor.

the narrator said...

brownies, ice-cream, fudge, and panties...

sounds like my last birthday party

...ok maybe not. but i'd sure like a birthday like that

be said...

Perhaps this is just the opposite of how things happened in my house (in that the women moved out and so lost any semblance of domestication: wires hanging from the ceiling, no carpet, plates on laps around the TV because there's no dinner table, etc.), but the part that I have a hard time understanding is not how your uncle didn't notice the panties, but why they were in the kitchen in the first place.

Sam said...

Because the brownies were in the laundry room.