Thursday, September 15, 2005

On Being Positive

Yesterday my mom surprised me by taking me back to school shopping! YEAH! I didn't expect it, but she said she could read through my jeans and thus they wouldn't last me at all during the year, so there you go. This made me so happy!

I was in such a great mood going to a friend's baby shower last night. Then this lady came in. When I got married two months ago I failed to give her a wedding announcement/"invitation" and I have not stopped hearing about how much it hurt her feelings since. Last night she came up to me in front of everyone at the shower and said, "Did you know you didn't invite me to your wedding?" When my mom replied that we didn't know where to send the invitation (which is true since she hasn't really lived in the house that was in our ward for two years now) she said, "Even my friends from Canada seem to have managed to track me down to get me wedding invitations!" Well, I figured it was best not to say anything since what I have to say to her isn't all that nice. Here is my response to this lady:
  • We really didn't know where to send the invitation. We didn't have your address. If you're not good enough friends to keep in contact with us so we have your address, I don't think it is necessary to send you an invitation to my wedding.
  • Miss Manners says I can invite anybody I want.
  • My mom DID call you a week before the wedding and invited you personally to the reception. You had people visiting from out of town and didn't come anyway.
  • If you feel you are good enough friends with my family to feel left out of the party unjustly, then you should also feel that you are good enough friends to know you can just come! That's what another lady did, and I was so grateful for her understanding.
  • My wedding day is about me, not you. Now that you've made it about you I don't feel sorry for not inviting you.
  • How could I not know I didn't invite you to my wedding, I've been hearing about how horrible I was for not inviting you for the last two months now.
  • After all of these points if you're still upset about not being invited, you can still give me a present if that's what's bugging you.

So anyway, there goes a whole night down the crapper. I was incensed.

On the plus side, when I got up today I got to put on brand new clothes.


Heather said...

Haha! You showed her! Mlll!

shafnitz said...

I'll give you ten bucks to actually say that stuff to her.

Maggie said...

I don't have the guts for that.

Katie said...

You should have said, "Sister X, I didn't invite you because your whole family is racist, rude and stuck up. I don't like any of your daughters as they treat everyone like they are one notch below them on the social ladder. Nothing you say is complimentary. You are fake and boring and your reaction to all of this shows your incredable immaturity. Grow up, get over it."

Maggie said...

The racist comment was on one of the bullets, but I erased it before publishing. I guess it could go back on.

Anonymous said...

I like 5 and 7.