Friday, June 02, 2006

"runners" high

So when I was in high school I was introduced to the idea of a "Runner's High." The idea that people tried to sell me on was that if I ran long enough often enough I would eventually feel REALLY good while running. Despite all the evidence and anecdotes to the contrary I still don't believe that this happens. Today I decided to come up with my own runner's high. I'm going to entitle it "test-taker's high." These are the conditions to get a test-taker's high (it doesn't just happen because you take a test, or many tests for that matter)
  1. Time: Either you have to work really fast because you're pressed for time or if you have no time limit it must take a long time to take the test.
  2. Preparation: You must have prepared enough to feel not as though you know everything, but that you could figure things out while you're "in there"
  3. Difficulty: The test has to seem rather challenging to you
  4. Performance: You have to feel as though you conquered the problems set before you when you hand the test in.
If all four components to the test are there you will experience the "test-taker's high." No I do not have any neurological studies stating that endorphins are released as you do this. No, I don't have multiple personal anecdotes from people all over the country stating this has happened to them. Regardless of this lack of evidence, I declare that it happens! If runners can go around proclaiming they get a high from almost killing themselves then I can state that people get a high from almost turning my brain into mush!

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