Thursday, December 20, 2007

Slow on the Uptake

Have you ever thought of a great response to something awful someone said to you after the fact and really wished you could have said it right then? That totally happened to me last night. Only instead of the situation being a few days ago it was several years ago. I have no idea why that situation popped into my head, but I thought of an awesome comment. At first I wished I had said it. Then I realized that I wouldn't chose to go back and say it because then I would have to be back to where I was back then. I'm so much happier now. I was really in a negative spot right then in my life and I'm so glad to be past it. So maybe the best response to that comment/situation was going on to live a happier life. That realization made me smile.

1 comment:

Katharina said...

Props for you on coming to that well-spoken realization. Makes me think a little.
That said--yeah, I usually have my wittiest, most insightful/scathing/perfect conversations after the fact.