Saturday, June 27, 2009

Christmas Presents

I have had untold number of Christmas Present flops through the years. I can't even begin to count the number of presents I would gladly take back now if I could. But you can't and I'm blessed with loved ones that overlooked the photo of myself, or the tool that will never be used, or the hideous piece of clothing. Because they knew and know that I love them and the gift was given with love. I hope that I can in the future give not only my love, but much better gifts.

Years and years ago (don't ask me how many, because I don't remember) during a holiday season I was stuck as to what to get for my grandma. She already has so many wonderful things and being young, I couldn't fathom her needing anything or accurately assess her wants. So I got her a gift that reminded me of what she had taught me. The book was entitled Say Please, Say Thank You. Thinking back, a book about manners doesn't seem like a very wise present, but I was doing my best. I thought nothing of it after it was given. My grandma did not forget it though. Through the years it has floated around her house as she has read and re-read it. She has told me how much she enjoyed the book several times and I thank my lucky stars that it ended up being a good book, because, you know, the whole thing could have gone south pretty easily.

A few weeks ago I got an email stating that she was buying the book for my sister and me because she thought we would enjoy it. Again, I didn't think too much about it. When it came I laid it on the side table next to my rocking chair in the living room. I figured it's got a pretty cover on it so that could be its home for a while. Then, while nursing, I got bored and picked it up. At that moment everything made a whole lot more sense. This book is awesome. It isn't about "manners" at all really. It's about giving people and God the respect they deserve. I have loved reading it. I highly recommend it to everyone, not because they have a thing or two to learn about respect, but because I have found it so enjoyable to read. It reminds me of all the things my parents and grandparents have taught me in the past, and why they taught it to me.

Who knew my young self had happened upon such a find.

1 comment:

dad said...

your picture is the best gift i have ever received