Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Don't Forget To...

Before we left on vacation we ate every last perishable item our house contained, and most of the other stuff too. Consequently when we got home we had exactly enough food to stretch it through 24 hours.

As we were eating dinner last night I thought about taking the kids grocery shopping with me on what I knew would be a huge stock the house back up again shopping trip. I decided it would be so much easier to just take one child than two. I turned to Daniel and said, "Would it be OK with you if, right after breakfast, Charlotte and I go grocery shopping and we leave you with Greg?" He said fine. So my plan was that I would make the menu and the list before bed and then we wouldn't even get really ready for the day. We would just quickly run out and back.

Well, that's not what happened. And I take full responsibility.

I didn't want to write out a menu last night and told myself Charlotte eats so slowly I'll have plenty of time to do that during her breakfast. That would have been fine if Charlotte hadn't slept uncharacteristically late to the unheard of hour of 7:30. We didn't get down to breakfast until 8. No big deal, we'll just start from there.

We got everything together and were out of the door by 9 (totally my fault because of course it will take longer to do the menu than I had planned). We went to Schnuck's and then did the big bulk item buy at Sam's Club and were pulling into the parking pad at 11. At this point I was feeling pretty darn stinking good. Look at me! I can do anything! I even got the whole thing done starting at least an hour behind schedule.

Funny thing about that hour behind schedule, your baby doesn't so much like it when you're an hour behind your schedule feeding him. And also, your husband doesn't much like it when you leave him with said baby.

Next time I will:
  • Plan the menu the night before, like I was supposed to.
  • Get out of the stinking bed when I'm supposed to.
  • Not forget to feed the baby!

Oh wait, my husband is starting third year of medical school. There aren't going to be so very many occasions I can just leave him with the kids for a while. Oh well. I'm sure I can use this lesson somewhere.


Nurse Graham said...

Apparently Dan forgot the trick that Dave told him about--dip the pacifier in jam until the mom gets home. Did I ever tell you that story? if not, remind me to tell you.

Behrmans said...

The last part made me laugh cause it's so true.