Friday, July 17, 2009

We've Got Worms

Night before last Charlotte woke up about midnight screaming about worms being in her bed and touching her. Daniel went in to try and convince her that in fact she was dreaming and there were no worms in her bed. Try as he might he could not convince her. She knew better. So he ended up bringing her into our bed. For the first time in her life she spent the night with us. Which meant that Daniel spent the night on the floor next to the bed.

When she got up we tried to show and convince her that there were no worms in her bed, but she wasn't buying it. She refused to nap in her bed yesterday afternoon. So after dinner Daniel took her upstairs and de-wormed her bed. I pretended to look up on the computer how to get rid of worms then I told her you have to jump on your bed three times and then vacuum under the bed to suck up all the worms that fell out. If you do that three times all the worms will be gone. So she and Daniel went upstairs and did just that. It was really funny to listen to her dad very seriously tell her that she had to jump very high to get all the worms out. She actually made him jump on one end, which must have been the end that the worms were in in her dream. Then we all piled on her bed together to show her that there were no more worms. Luckily it worked and she slept in her bed all through the night.


Katie said...

This is a great story!

Heather said...

This is such a cute story. I love it! I'm glad you wrote it down.

Nurse Graham said...

We used to have "Magic Monster Go-Away Spray" for Katelyn. It was nothing more than us pretending to hold a spray bottle in our hands while making a "psssh" sound as if we were spraying the monsters away. It's funny how those types of things work so well--glad jumping on the bed worked for Charlotte.

MSmith said...

Absolutely too cute story. Keep up the good work and you will always win in the parenting chapter of life (keep up the attitude of humor).
Aunti M.