Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Well, I forgot to let eveyone in on the 6 wk check-up!

Greg is:
12 lb 6 oz (75%) weight
23 in (75%) height
15 1/2 cm (75%) head circumfrance

So all around a very proportionate baby. Also, during the office visit the doctor put him on his tummy and he rolled onto his back. It was so awesome because she, Daniel, and I all saw it. Then he did it again at home later that afternoon.

Charlotte also had a well child check because we recently switched doctors.

Charlotte is:
27 1/2 lb (50%) weight
34 in (25%) height

Turns out she's a short little thing. The doctor said that since this was the first time Charlotte's height was measured while she was standing she might not have been standing straight. Who knows. But there you have it!

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