Monday, November 09, 2009

Chicken N Dumplings

Last night I made chicken and dumpling stew. It was wonderful. I love dumplings. love. love. love. Charlotte I thought would love them too since they're mostly just flour, which she has taken to eating all by itself lately (gross). She didn't.

Dan: "Charlotte you need to finish your dumpling."
Charlotte: "No I don't."
Dan: "You need to eat three bites of carrot and two bites of chicken then. And be done with that sass."
Charlotte: "I'm not done with the sass yet."

I'm pretty sure she wasn't really clear on what sass was, but it sounded much better than chicken or carrot.


Mindy said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm! I love Chicken n' Dumplings! Maybe you should come up with a new recipe:
Chicken n' Sass...with Dumplings. Maybe then she would eat it.

Unknown said...

Haha, that's really cute... sass! Yep, we're excited, thanks for the congrats.

Mary Jo said...

It's hard not to laugh out loud when they say something like that!

dad said...

SASS,that sounds like an adult beverage.