Monday, August 29, 2011

Greg's Talking

I don't think I've mentioned lately how much I love just listening to my son talk. He's at that amazing phase where he can say pretty much anything he wants to, but sometimes it comes out wrong. He thinks about it and then corrects himself. Also his syntax is so funny. Their funny mistakes when learning to talk makes up for just about everything else that comes with a two year old.

A few nights ago Greg wanted some of whatever sauce Dad put on his rice. Dad tried to tell him he wouldn't want it to which he said, "But yeah Dad!"

This morning after eating his off brand otter pop I told him to throw the wrapper away. I didn't understand when he said, "sych-a-bin?" until he walked over to the sink and opened the door to the recycling bin. My two year old knows about recycling! I had no idea.


dad said...

He will probably as chatty as his daddy

Anonymous said...

Moments to remember!

Dan's mom said...

I will have to practice up on my
"listening to 2 year olds" skill set for this week end. It is amazing to realize what the little guys are noticing once they can try to tell you. Are the "Sparkle Go Girls" still enjoying soccer camp?