Wednesday, March 06, 2013

In like a lion

March is a magical month in our house.  We have a three scoop sundae of birthdays within 10 days and then Easter like the perfect cherry on top.  I finally got tired of answering the how many days till my birthday question and had Charlotte make a paper coutdown chain.  Now the question is did I already tear off a ring today?  Naturally after Charlotte got a chain Greg wanted one.  The wait until his birthday will be long and hard for him I suppose. Poor guy.  He still can't get over how Lee cut in front of him in the birthday line.  Dad in January, then Mom, then Charlotte and next should be him, but Lee cut and his birthday comes very last.   I can't wrap my mind around the fact that by Charlotte's birthday it will be spring.  Last year it was so warm we had her party outside.  Right now my kids have the beginnings of a killer snow fort in the front yard that the Pacific Northwest kid inside of me is so jealous of.  Then again it's supposed to rain on Saturday.  That's spring though right?  Snow and rain and sun and then possibly some more snow.

You know what else I love?  Dan and I went into Trader Joe's the other day.  This was a very rare occasion wherein we were wasting time before going to another resident's house for dinner and I made him stop over because I didn't want to be early.  I don't like to be late when someone else is providing a dinner, but I also find it equally flustering as a host when people show up unexpectedly early.  Turns out we needn't have worried, but that's beside the point.  I made us stop at Trader Joe's.  Right as we walk in the front door I smelled the fragrance of freshly cut flowers.  Oh how I love that smell.  It is heaven on earth I tell you and quite possibly the only reason anyone should need to get out there and garden.  I'm getting the itch to garden.  Unfortunately all of our "gardens" are covered over with rocks making it virtually impossible to get any gardening done.  I suppose this is probably
a good thing since we don't have the money to invest in a garden, but I did rebel last fall and poked some bulbs in the ground.  I'm not holding out much hope for them since there isn't really adequate levels of anything below the weed guard cloth I had to cut through.  Wouldn't it be so wonderful if some of them actually poked their little heads up for me though?  That's the kind of magic that March brings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love to read your bloggs. My neighbor was showing me her bloggs. Being a grandma many miles away from the little ones is not so bad when we can read bloggs. Thanks!!