Monday, October 15, 2007

Babler State Park

Well, I got Daniel to come home early from studying Saturday and we drove a little ways out of the city to Babler State park and walked around. I would say hiked around, but there weren't any hills or anything so it was more of a walk than a hike. Here are some photos of our trip.

This was the bridge that we started on. There wasn't any water below it though.

Don't you like her jacket? It has little pants that go with it that have feet with paw prints on the bottom. We decided to forgo those though because I let her get down and walk around a little after the walk and it would have gotten those really dirty.

We did have to stop part of the way through because mommy and baby both got hungry. I had a really yummy chicken salad sandwich and Charlotte had really yummy mommy's milk.

Here we are at the end of the hike. I just realized that not only are we both wearing pink, but we are both wearing clothing that Aunt Katie got for us! Kinda funny huh?

Charlotte figured out that her tongue doesn't always have to be inside of her mouth. In fact she finds it very fun for it to be outside of her mouth now!

In other news, remember those "allergies" that Charlotte and I caught of Dan's a little less than a month ago? Well, I got the cold and got over it, but Charlotte didn't very well. She's all over it except for this cough. A persistent cough that is deep in her chest, but doesn't really do a whole lot except for keep us all up at night. I'm thinking about getting a humidifier. What do you think? Is it worth the investment or should we just tough it out for a little? She's going to the doctor as soon as possible (hopefully next week) since she's now almost 7 months old and still hasn't had her 6 month appointment. If she's still got the cough then I'll bring it up, but I really hope she's over it by then.


Katie said...

SO cute!

The Barkers said...

Olivia has a humidifier we turn on every night. Totally takes care of that annoying hacking cough. We also have an inhaler for when she gets sick because sometimes it's hard for her to get over a cough. It really helps. Maybe you should ask your doc about it. All it does is open up the airways so she breathes better. Cute pics!!! Glad you guys are doing well....What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Anonymous said...

A hike doesn't have to have mountains.

What is on Dan's chin? Is it a shadow or is it something else?

Go Beaver Nation

Maggie said...

Dad-On Dan's chin is a week's worth of wisker growth. He only shaves on Sundays no matter how hard I try to persuade him otherwise. Go Beaves.

Kathy-thanks for the humidifier and inhailer advice. I'll totally talk to the doctor about it. We are lucky because we get to go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Yeah!