Thursday, March 06, 2008


My daughter loves to play with my cell phone. LOVES. She likes to hear the little beeps and see it light up and it gives her pure joy. I only let her play with it supervised so that she doesn't call 911 or something. She does however manage to call anyone on my speed dial. Mostly she loves to call my brother-in-law, the ear doctor. I tried locking the keys but then they don't make noise and beep and it makes her mad.

Then I thought of a genius new solution: put the phone on airplane mode. It's still on and the keys still beep, but it wont call anyone. In fact it cuts of the whole signal. Brilliant. She can play to her hearts content and not call anyone.

Now if I could just find where she dropped it last......


Anonymous said...

OOPS! Some ideas seem better before implementation. etracing all those little footsteps is hard work.....then there are the couch cusions to inspect. One time I found my driver's license at the bottom of the kids' hamper. Another time Michael had taken my car keys and used them to "start" his ride-on motercycle. The seat lifted up & he "stored" them in there - for 3 days. Good luck! or should I say "Happy hunting!"

Anth said...

As dan's mom said, good luck. My phone doesn't have an airplane mode, so Baby E has called many people. And I have had to call it from the land line a few times to find where she left it.

TRS said...

So, does it ring if it's on airplane mode? Or is that the point, that you can't locate for that reason?
Ha. And if you don't have a landline, you can't even call Dan to have him call it. Oh drat!