Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Other Love of my life

I realized with all this posting about Charlotte and our new baby I've not mentioned a word about my husband and how things are going with him. As far as I can tell they're going really great right now.

Second year, same as the first
A little bit faster and a little bit worse.

Well, not about that whole worse part. Maybe not even about faster, but it seems to be going faster to me. He took his first final a few weeks ago (or maybe even only one week ago I can't remember now) in neruo and has a mid term in cardio this coming Saturday. He's actually been staying at home in the mornings to study before we get up and then eating breakfast with Charlotte before going to school. At least that's what I think he's doing because I'm dead to the world before 6:50 AM. He works so hard for our family. I hope he does well on his test because if he doesn't I will sort of feel like it's due to all the added work he's taken on at home. He is so very good about it though.

Last night he caught mouse number two. Every time he catches a mouse without me even having to see it he's my hero.

I think this year I'm really starting to learn so much more about my husband's character. That sounds funny to say since we've been married for a while, but I think we've settled so much more into each other now. It feels really good to look back and see all the tiny hills we've gotten over together so far and say we conquered them working together. I feel like I'm starting to see how who I am and how I chose to act reflects on him. How the two of us working together to be our best selves will amplify our efforts. The reverse, sadly, I've also seen. That when I act poorly I pull our whole family down. I hope we can individually work to be the best we can be and that, in turn, will reflect on our children, friends and community.


Anth said...

Hey! Congratulations on baby #2!! That's really exciting!

I found going from one child to two difficult, but once I got past the first few months (i.e., baby starts sleeping more) it's so rewarding!

Oh and morning sickness while caring for a toddler is miserable, so my sympathies there!

Anonymous said...

I am still learning about your mother. I love her more now than I ever have. She makes me happy.