Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Seven Year Itch

So remember when we thought my daughter had dry skin? And then sensitive skin? And then scabies? Remember how I had to spend a week in hell trying to launder all our fabric items? Remember how I had to buy expensive free and clear detergent and hypo-allergenic bath soap? Remember how we bought new mattresses for her bed? Remember how she had to sleep without her dog? Do you remember all that? Yeah, that was total crap.

The rash is still here. She's still itching it as much as ever. I went back to see the NP and she referred me to a pediatric dermatologist here in St. Louis. She warned me that derm appointments are notoriously hard to get into and it would be a while to wait. She told me to look for a paper in the mail from their office with the appointment date and time on it. Last Saturday I got the referral in the mail with my appointment on it.

It was for July 28th.

July 28th would mean that she would have had this rash, that itches so bad she scratches until she bleeds, for six months! I understand it being hard to get an appointment, but three months out? That seems excessive.

So yesterday I called the office using my friendliest, most "please help me" voice I could I asked them if there was any chance they could call me if anyone cancelled. I would be more than happy to jump in my car and drive out there for my daughter to see the doctor. Nothing (except labor of course) would prevent me from that. They kindly told me that their policy is that if I want to know about cancellation openings I have to call them. And the very kind lady at the appointment desk, whom I would gladly give a kidney to, told me that there's a cancellation TODAY at 3! So this afternoon we're headed out to see the pediatric dermatologist to try and get this thing resolved.


Nurse Graham said...

That is either great luck or divine intervention. I'm glad you were able to get the appointment. I hope the doc is able to figure out what is causing the rash. Have they suggested you try eliminating foods from her diet to see if that helps?

Heather said...

Ezra has a rash that causes him to scratch so much he bleeds. It's called eczema. It sucks. We recently got a prescription steroid cream to stop the crazy itching and it seems to be helping a bit. I hope you figure out what's making your daughter itch. I think I'm going to have to take Ezra in to an allergist soon. Love you! When is that baby due?

Maggie said...

Charlotte has eczema on her knees as well as this rash. I hope the cream works for Ezra. Charlotte's responded to the cream well and also to vaseline. A lot of vaseline. I hope this other rash goes away soon.

The baby's due May 9th.