Monday, April 06, 2009

Time out

I am not opposed to letting my child watch TV. In fact, if it weren't for the blessed man Walt Disney I fear I would never have been able to teach my child it's OK to have Mommy shower alone. I also love to hear my daughter sing the ABC's with the pig on Super Why. Lately though, it's been getting to be too much.

Last week was the breaking point. I remember slowing down from my cleaning long enough to look at her on Thursday and just being a little shaken by how plugged in she was to the TV. She wasn't even really being entertained, she was just totally vacant. I had been having this nagging feeling of how much TV had crept into her schedule lately and that I wanted to change that, then last week hit and we were done for. She watched that thing for HOURS without complaining. If that isn't slightly disturbing, I don't know what is.

My opinion of our situation is that not only is she connected to the TV, but I also use it as a crutch. Simply put, I turn on the TV when I don't want to take the time and effort to come up with or do something probably more fun and more productive with her. I'm being lazy.

And it stops now.

Today we did not turn the TV on once during her waking hours. (It's on now because Dan wants to watch the NCAA championship.) After tonight it's going to go into storage in the basement for a week. The way I figure it is that with the physical object completely out of the way the temptation to turn it on so much will be gone with it. Hopefully in that time I can establish a few routines or habits that are more productive and positive.

When I told Dan about my idea I was worried that he would think I'm being silly or taking this idea way too extreme. I was wrong though. His reaction was, "Well, I've got lots of stuff I am or should be doing anyway so I'll help you." It's great to have someone that supports me in my efforts.

So what do you think? How much TV is too much? Is there a time and place where TV watching is appropriate? Are there shows that you think are OK and perhaps educational? What would you rather do with your time?

I have realized that the answers to those questions change over time so I have to keep revisiting them as my family and my needs change. Now to come up with short positive activities to occupy our days...


Heather said...

Haha, I let Ezra watch Wall-e while I'm showering and getting ready for work. He is like a zombie when he watches that movie. Every once in a while you'll his lip twitch into a small smile, but mostly it's the glazed over look. No other movies/shows do that to him.

I think it's awesome you are tossing your tv for the week. It feels nice. I wish I could toss my computer, but I don't think Matt would be up for that.

Katie said...

Garrett and I stopped watching TV on Sundays and Mondays and it has been AMAZING. It's so much more fun to do things together.

I know it's easy to let your kids watch TV, and really, I don't know how much harm it does, but I'm so proud of you for ditching it. I want to try my very hardest to avoid TV at all costs when my kids are little.

Althoug, I realize that's a bit of an unavoidable pipe dream...

TRS said...

I have no advice - but want to say good for you for making the decision to make a change.

Good mommy.

Behrmans said...

I love Super Y, Word World and Kid the Science Kid. They are so education that it makes me happy!!! Though we have not seen them for a long time. I noticed that my kids were in better moods when the TV was not on in the am so it has not been on for awhile. We do go to the library every few weeks and they get to pick out new movies and books. My kids will not sit through a movie so I have to get new ones to give myself a break and they usually end up wanting to do something else. My rule is that if you are not sitting on the couch watching the movie then the TV goes off. They usually get to pick out a movie a day which is about 1 ½ hrs but they don’t sit through it so the TV goes off.

What we do…
play board games

play outdoors, go to different activities

read our library books

play flash cards

clean the house… yes I make the kids clean too

crafts from that website I gave you, we are averaging about 4 a day. I’m going to need to find something else soon. Also Michaels had some crafts for $1. The kids love them.

play ball in side

hide in go seek, monster going to get you, sign songs, run around and chase them

let them blow bubbles inside

Fill the bath up extra full and add lot of bubbles. I do this if I’m having a hard day cause it’s a treat for all of us.

Man they wear me out. They are so active it’s all I can do to keep them busy!!!!

Good for you for taking a break from the TV. It's amazing how much time you will find once it's not on.

Behrmans said...

play dough

and now paint

Maggie said...

Thanks for the suggestions Tammy. I'm glad Maddie likes the watercolors. I love that preschool website (I tell so many people about it now), but Charlotte and I only do one craft from there a day. That's about all I can handle.