Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear Greg,

I love you so much it makes my throat hurt. Strange, yes. Difficult, no. Each time I slow down and look at your little face I feel the love for you well up so much that it spills out my eyes and I cry. Just before the tears start, my throat hurts.

I know everyone said that your sister looked like her daddy, but to me it is you. I look at you and I see him. There is a little of me mixed in there, but overwhelmingly I see your dad. You are the most handsome little baby boy that my eyes have ever seen. I love your brown hair, and your little nose. I love the way your cheeks are so full and round. I would spend hours just memorizing your face right now if I could.

You are the type of baby that everyone wishes they could have. You are a great sleeper, a great eater, and so very mellow. You hardly ever cry. And when you do your big sister rushes to your side to try to help calm you. Which then fills me up so much with love I cry, again. I know this could just be a phase, but I'm convinced that your demeanor is a blessing sent straight to me from Heavenly Father. It's like He's telling me that I can do this. I can be a mother of two. And I'm so grateful for that. It seems that all my fears that surfaced at the end of pregnancy were for naught. You are wonderful, your sister is wonderful, your daddy is wonderful, and I am happy. I love our family and I love you.

I want you to know that you are wanted and loved immeasurably by your daddy and me. Not only do we love you, but we love each other, and we love Charlotte. Our family is one I hope will always have the hallmark of love.

Love Always,


Nurse Graham said...

So sweet.

You are not the only one who says Greg looks like Dan. When I saw your dad at the golf tourny he put it something like this..."Well that kid has a fighting chance of being able to be in the sun. He looks just like his dad."

See you guys soon.

Mindy said...


Dave and Kathryn Dodds said...

Yeah! Congratulations! He sounds adorable! I can't wait to meet him in person! I'm so glad that it has been an easy adjustment! Boys are AWESOME!

Katie said...

He is the best.

Seriously, he's such a beautiful little guy it kind of broke my heart to put him back in your car and watch you drive away.