Friday, May 07, 2010

Up Before the Birds

The birds start chirping at 5:18 AM around our place. How about yours? Would you like to know how I know? Greg wakes up before them most days. Most days he starts making noise around 5 AM. Today he woke up with a scream at 4:45 AM. I can't even blame this on Dan because it's before he gets up for the day. I want this to stop, but I'm not sure how. Any ideas?

Here's what I've already done:
  • He goes to bed at 7:30. I'm not willing to make it any later because I already pushed it back from 6:30 and that didn't change this issue.
  • He has a room darkening shade. It isn't a blackout shade, but it does keep the room dark enough for nap time during the day.
  • He's off pacifiers so it isn't that he's losing it because he doesn't use them.
  • He takes great naps.
  • He sleeps solidly from 7:30 until 5.
  • We feed him a second dinner right before bed so he's not hungry. Plus, this morning I refused to nurse him right when he got up just to see if it was that and he calmed down without it.

Anyway, all advice is welcome, even if we don't use it.


Katie said...

ear plugs for the rest of the family?

I have no idea

Mary Jo said...

The only think I could think of/suggest is putting him to bed later. I remember Jack going through the same thing at this age though. Maybe it's a boy thing?

Janelle Dobson said...

How old is he? He may be at the age where you should let him cry it out and sooth him back down. Teach him you won't come in until a reasonable hour. Yes, I know it'll make for a very rotten week- but its worth it.

Maggie said...

Katie-at least Charlotte doesn't need earplugs. She sleeps through the whole thing!

Janelle- He is totally at the cry it out time of life. Which I have tried. That's why he's awesome to put down for naps and at bedtime. All I have to do is give him his stuffed dog and walk out of the room. It's just that he wakes up and isn't tired anymore at that time of the morning. So he cries, I kid you not, for an hour and a half until it's time for me to get him up anyway. Plus, at this point I think he's figured out that if he cries until Charlotte wakes up then his day starts.

Mary Jo- if it's a boy thing then I hope your newest little guy is the exception to the rule!

dad said...

You go to bed earlier. 5:00 am is a beautiful time of day.

Mindy said...

I agree with Janelle. Gunner did the exact same thing at 12 months, and I think he just grew out of it. I decided that I Would Not go get him until 6:00. He spent a lot of time crying, and I spent a lot of time with a pillow over my head.

But I also remember feeling relieved of the pressure to comfort him, since I had previously decided what time the day would start for us. And I remember him ending up being more rested, even with the crying.

And somehow he eventually figured out how to sleep until 6:00.

Also, DO NOT put him to bed later. It doesn't seem to do any good, other than to make him lose that extra precious hour of sleep at the beginning of the night.

Carlos and Flash said...

Max went through this same thing and the sleep specialist told me to limit the amount of time he was napping during the day to 3 hours (I think Max was a little older because he was only taking 2 naps a day). and we let him just cry until it was time to get up. It took a a week or 2 but he started waking up later.

The specialist told me that he was waking up so early because he was sneaking in extra sleep during the day. After he started waking up later constistently, we starting letting hime nap for longer during the day.