Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Today is a day to just sit. To be quiet. To be still.

Or at least as much as one can with two darlings at home.

I'm sitting at the table looking out the window watching the two or three snowflakes that may turn out to be a snow storm or may turn out to be absolutely nothing. The clouds haven't decided what to do quite yet. Maybe they've decided it's a day to just sit too.

I can hear the muted sounds of some Nick Jr coming up from the basement and a chorus of coughs. One child is coughing as the lingering virus of yesterday is passing and the other either wants in on the fun, or is just starting his round with the house guest.

Maybe when they come up to tell me they're bored, as they surely will, we will bake something. That sounds like a slow activity to fill our day with warmth and goodness, not nutrition, but goodness nonetheless. Or perhaps we will read some of the mountain of books currently housed in two separate bookshelves in the kids room. Greg is always up for a game of cars, or "to the rescue." Charlotte enjoys building things. Any ideas for something we could build?

Regardless, today my plan is to be slow and be quiet.

What's yours?


Nurse Graham said...

I don't get to have much time for being still this week, but if I did, and if my kids were still little, I would build a fort out of blankets and chairs.

Katie said...

An egg drop from the deck to the yard below sounds fun.

Or who can build the tallest structure out of tape and spaghetti that will hold a marshmallow on top.

Both are classics

Maggie said...

Both are good, but perhaps a bit above the abilities of a two and four year old on a rainy day.