Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Ok, so this post might just be lame, but I wanted to dedicate some of my blog with the belongings that I spend the most time with in the winter.....my mittens. I love my mittens, they are soft and warm and I couldn't last the winter without them. The other day I was on campus and some guy tried to make fun of me about wearing my mittens and it didn't work at all. The thing is that once I wear my mittens I never take them off. From the months of November to February it's a pretty safe bet that I'm wearing them. I got these little treasures of delight either my junior or senior year of high school. Since then every winter nobody really sees my hands. They now have permanent marker on them from my job last year and are starting to get holes in them, but I fixed the holes yesterday and I don't mind the black marker. I would probably be worried by the marker, except I don't know if I can ever get a pair of mittens that are so good. They are thick, but not too thick. Two layers of soft, thin polar fleece wrap my hands in a delightful warmth. Anyway, I'd like to thank whoever gave these little delights to me a couple of years ago. They never knew what a source of joy they would be in my life.


katezmom said...

pretty sure I found them at American Eagle at Christmas time...maybe they'll have them again.

Katie said...

Yeah, American Eagle for sure, I remember being there when mom got them.

Sidenote: How come Dan never comments on your blog? Is he "too cool?"

Sam said...

I just have to say that I love that all your family reads your blog. Isn't it funny when your parents warm up to certain aspects of technology... My mom sent her first text message via cell phone a couple days ago. :)