Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Be There

Through a series of events the past couple of days I've been reminded of a very important lesson. Sometimes it's not so important what you say or what you do--just so that you be there. I've realized how important it is for me to be there for people that I care about and for me to have people be there for me.
  • Sometimes to be there means to just talk and talk and talk about nothing. Tell the story of the silly thing that happened today.
  • Sometimes you just have to sit and listen. Don't move, don't speak, don't analyze.
  • A warm arm and a good hug. A shoulder to cry on.
  • Someone that can look through the situation and see the good.
  • Sometimes it means the most that you drop what you are doing when someone you care about needs you.
  • Sometimes to be there really means to run as fast as you can to get to that person.
  • When someone sits on the phone with nothing to say, but will just stay there late into the night and on into the morning. They are there for you.

These are only a few things that I can think of right now. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my hope is that I can continue to be there for the people I care about and that I will be able to thank those that have cared enough to be there for me. You know who you are, and I love you all!

1 comment:

the narrator said...

thanks mags