Friday, May 06, 2005

New York

I realized today that I am greatly influenced by the songs people around me sing. I was walking into the Wilk today and a guy going out was singing, full blast, "Look at me! I'm the King of New York!" I thought it was so funny! Then in the computer area (I had to purchase myself a new $10 calculator for STATS) the guy at the register was singing, "The Phantom of the Opera is there, inside my mind." Having both of those experiences in a row I was lifted up! What a funny day! Plus I really like the flower beds next to the library! They are so beautiful! Anyway, I hope you are all having a great day!


Katie said...

Now you fully understand my thrill over the "while you chew it" incident.

I love you baby

Owen said...

It's funny how we find people singing so out of the ordinary. More people should sing in public I think.

the narrator said...

so ummm... are you still at the same place mags? or have you moved.. or what? give me a call