Monday, January 31, 2011

Product Placement

After all that heavy stuff I thought I'd share some fluff with everyone. So here are some of the things that our household has fallen in love with lately.

Note: These are just things we like. I'm not being paid for any of it. Even though I totally should be.

The first item isn't actually an item. It's The Home Depot which we seem to be frequenting a lot more lately since we started working on our house again. I can not tell you the excitement I'm feeling about being able to move my bedroom furniture out of what is, for now, the playroom. Turns out it isn't the best scenario to have the master bedroom double as the playroom.

Greg has graduated from My Big Truck Book to The Little Engine That Could. He loves it and we read it, a lot. I have pretty much the whole thing memorized, but at least there's actually a storyline.

This is what finally got the purple off the sofa. The only problem now is that the sofa needs to be aired out and we're having freezing rain. Can't really air it out now.

Thanks to Angelina my daughter is constantly practicing arabesques. She learned that word, if not the real meaning, from one of the eight books of Angelina Ballerina that we have been checking out from the library. She loves them.

Well, this one is only recommended by me. Dan thinks it's a waste of money. He's probably right. But after having sickness after sickness rip through our house I'm pretty much willing to believe anything. If someone told me to sacrifice a chicken in the front yard to avoid the next nasty thing headed our way I would have some serious consideration to do. I got a cold a few weeks ago and took them and the cold was so mild I couldn't even really say I was sick. And that, my friends, is what we like to call indisputable medical evidence of efficacy.

So there you have it. What are some of your family's favorite things right now?


denise said...

Dad's favorite right is homemade salsa. He's making it just about twice a week. We are so healthy!!! My favorite...hmmm...the thing I would like to have more of? That would be a nap. I've needed a nap for about two weeks, finally this afternoon I could go no longer, driving was a risk. I got a good solid 45min. Glory, sweet glory and then a dinner of leftovers (low effort)

MSmith said...

Favorites right now:
my pressure cooker
bath beads
cold crisp mountain air
studded snow tires on a 4WD honda
my bed