Wednesday, January 05, 2011


I don't think these are new year's resolutions. It's just that I've been thinking for a while now about things I would like to change and do better at. Then Christmas came and I had a lot of free time suddenly. So I decided there was no reason to put off starting (or re-starting) my goals. So, boring as it may be, here they are:

Make honest to goodness meals at lunch. You know, ones that involve more than one slice of the food pyramid. I think healthy, fulfilling lunches have been my lynch pin in our family's eating habits that I have neglected and has lead to much unhealthy snacking.

Also, I would like to be better about writing down our budget and making sure we stick to it. Fourth year in medical school pretty much trashed all our dilligence in that respect. We need to be keeping better track again.

Actually read the Sunday school and Relief Society lessons before going to my classes on Sunday. That's a pretty low bar to set on my scripture study, I know, but it's totally do-able and you have to start somewhere. Plus, I've really had the feeling lately that I need to "prepare myself." For what, I don't know, for when I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that this is part of it. I've learned to not ignore those feelings, even when I'm not sure how to proceed.

And finally get my body moving...again. I'm nervous about sharing this goal because I know it's so ambiguous. Here's the story, Dan and I are going to have another kid sometime. I want another one, he wants another one. Right now isn't the right time, but that time is coming. When that time comes I want to start out the pregnancy in the best shape of my life. That's not really that big a goal to set because I've never really done any organized sport or been the type to workout. The drawback to this situation is that I don't know what sort of physical activity I like to do. And also I've got two kids, and a husband that's either out of town or in a sub-internship. So what do I do that could actually work long term that I enjoy? What time commitment am I going to have to sacrifice to get this goal going? I'm not sure, but I do want to do something.

So there they are. My Resolutions.

PS. Also, Dan left this morning for another round of interviews including Utah, Seattle, and Fresno. Everyone think positive thought tomorrow for him.


Mary Jo said...

Just something to think about: I am from northern California, (chico) and as far as Cali goes Fresno is the worst, most ghetto part. lol just thought I would put that out there. But good luck with everything!!

dad said...

I talked to Dr. Falloon yesterday and his opinion is that the UW is the best Orthopedic School in the country. He also likes U of U. He also said all the schools are good, there are no bad choices.

Dan's mom said...

Those of us from So Cal think of Fresno more as "migrant" than "ghetto"; Compton, Watts, East LA = those are ghetto. Check with the ear doctor - he'll know, too.
Walking is a great place to start exercising. Find a walking buddy, plop the kids in the stroller & walk a bit faster than usual for an hour. A buddy helps get you out the door. In Aberdeen our group walked in the mall, which opened early for walkers, during for the rainy season - October 1 to July 5.

TRS said...

Try roller blading. Kids in stroller = resistance + likely naptime.

Katie said...

For me, for exercise it has to be varied. I just can't do the same exercise over and over. Also, I like games more than just exercising. Also, if I can get into a schedule it gets way easier for me. It's going to be tough with your two little ones, but maybe there's something out there you can all do together?

I'm LOVING zumba right now.

Katie said...

Maybe we can figure out some way to do it together via skype or something?