Thursday, March 17, 2005

Changes and the Tao

BYU made me change my email program. They're changing to a new system and I HATE IT! Well, I realize that this new system will probably be better for most of the people here at BYU, but I liked the old system. It worked for me. Before the new emails were listed on the bottom of the screen, like the end of this list of things that people who love me wanted to tell me. Each day was like finding something else new and exciting added to my list. Now they appear at the top. I don't like this. Its disconcerting to find them at the top. I like the old way. It was easy to use and I was comfortable with it. My resistance to change has kept me with this old email system even during times when I could have acquired myself a newer better system. Now, a change must be made against my will. I was recently confronted with my lack of flexibility in one of my classes.

In my religion class we were studying Taoism. It was pretty cool. They talked of becoming one with the ultimate Tao. That all things in life and really all life is governed by the Tao (not a diety, more of an energy force kinda.) The Tao is described as being a river. The individual experience is described as being the twig in the river. No matter how hard the twig tries to go against the river it will fail. Happiness is brought by going along with the flow of the river. So things that happen to you in your life happen for a purpose and you should try to deal with them the best you can. This will bring you to the ultimate.

I was realizing today that I am always going against the Tao. Not that I really ascribe to this philosophy per se, but I understand it. Did you know that I still put two spaces after every period at the end of the sentence, even though we're not supposed to in the new writing style? I also fight off this desire to put a comma after each thing in a list. You know, right before the and. Ex. I like trees, flowers, and grass. See, you're not supposed to use that last comma, but I like to because when I was taught commas in the thrid grade my teacher said it was my choice. Then they changed the rules on me.

So along with my antiquated punctuation, my basic instinct to stay with the known has made me realize that I don't really follow the Tao all that much I don't think. Do you think that effects my happiness?


Sam said...

I resist change, too. Most of the time I hate it, because I get so comfortable with the way things are.

And I agree with you on both grammar examples. I wasn't aware that they changed them. Let's refuse to change and never ever conform.

be said...

As long as you're forced to change email programs, you might as well switch to Gmail. Not only is it the best ever, but then you won't have to change again when you go to OSU.

Maggie said...

That would be good, except I'm such a sissy about trying new things. Maybe I'll get the Heat to help me make the switch.

Heather said...

Yeah! Make the switch! Everyone's doing it...
I think I like change. I like to know I'm still the same person even after making huge changes.