Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I Was Wrong

There are times when you look at a situation and you are unhappy about it. Then you realize that the reason you are unhappy is because you're wrong. Well, at least that happens to me. Here is how I know I need to change:
  • There is a card on my desk that Heather and I got at the beginning of the year. On it is a photo of an elderly couple cuddling and talking to each other. Under it a statement says, "Love each other or perish."
  • Tonight I was helping out with my activity in my ward and I asked the girls I was working with how their weekends went. They didn't really say anything interesting until one of them said, "Can I brag about my roommates for a second?" She proceeded to tell me what great things her roommates, the other girls in the kitchen, had done that last weekend.
  • I read out of my 14,000 things to be happy about book tonight.

These three things in conjunction made me realize that I have been unhappy in Provo this last while because I have chosen to be. Yes, there are challenges in my life that make it more difficult, but I have chosen to be upset at those things. Yes, my roommates have done things that either hurt my feelings or annoyed me, but what good is it to point those out? I feel that of the choice between "love" and "perish" I have chosen the latter. I'm not quite sure when the excited about what is going on in my life changed to muddling through. I realized tonight that I secretly or not so secretly have had such a negative outlook at work and at school and in my apartment. Perhaps my little black rain cloud that I put all my grievences in has been really what has been making me unhappy. There are plenty of things in my life to be happy about! I need to remember that! I need to stop being wrong. Now, I just have to get myself out of the rut I'm in.

1 comment:

katezmom said...

Sounds like you agree with Abraham Lincoln who said, "Most people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Quote is more or less accurate.