Friday, April 21, 2006


This weekend I'm leaving Corvallis!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has made me so overcome with joy that I'm going nutty. I have about three things to do on campus and I'm going to blow them off to go home and pack. Also I'm going to clean. Here is my opinion on the condition to leave a house/apartment in. I hate coming back from a trip to a messy house. Usually I don't even want to be coming home at all so coming back to a mess that I have to clean up is the pits. That is why the day I leave for a trip (big or small) I run around like a mad person cleaning everything. My husband is not of this same frame of mind. What are your opinions?


Heather said...

I don't usually run around like a mad person cleaning up, but since I know things will be messy from unpacking when I get home I like to make the mess as small as possible before I leave.

Katie said...

I'm with you on this one. I go a little crazy cleaning before we leave to go anywhere. (What's kind of funny is that when I was little and my mom did that I thought she was nuts. Now I totally get it! crazy how things change.)