Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, I was sure I jinxed myself because the night after that last post she woke up five times! I don't want to jinx myself again so I wont tell you whether or not she slept the beautiful sleep of bliss last night. I wont tell you if I got a whole night's uninterrupted sleep and woke up well rested and happy this morning. I really don't want to jinx myself again.

Speaking of things that change when you have a baby I realized a few days ago something that I never thought would change. I actually run now! I was taking a two mile walk everyday, but the baby would always start to cry about 4 blocks from the end of the walk. So I adapted. Now I walk two blocks and run one for the whole two miles. It's great because she doesn't get mad about being there too long. Today I realized that walking two running one was getting pretty easy for me. I guess I'll have to switch things up a bit. I can't believe how much having a baby changes things!


Katie said...

Now you should run two and walk one, and go farther!

Good job baby!

Maggie said...

I thought about doing that, but there's going to be a few steps before then. My next move is run one walk one run one. You might think this is the same thing, but because of terrain it isn't. The street that I enter the loop on is at the bottom of two slopes. When I started the 2 walks 1 run I didn't know I was actually chosing the very most downhill runs I could. So if I do the 1 run 1 walk 1 run I will be running more uphill. (Not that any of my run is really a "hill" it's just that with a stroller giving more resistance uphill I can tell a difference.) Then I plan to move to 1 walk 1 run, then 1 walk 2 runs, then hopefully I will just run the whole thing. That last step is a pretty big one though so it might not happen for a while. I'm a big wimp.