Saturday, February 09, 2008

Mental Health

I'm being so indulged lately! I feel like I just made it out of the dark hole that was my sickness, then my daughter's sickness. Sadly, now Daniel has the sickness that makes you want to die. I know because he's burning up and also because it took him until 9 AM to go study this morning! Also he took four Motrin with him incase he needs them during the day. I've never seen him actually sick before and it kinda freaked me out! He is the hardest working sick person I've ever seen. I hope he takes it easy tomorrow and focuses on getting better because he has a test next Saturday and he needs to be 100% for it!

Because of the recent illness our house has been going through I haven't cooked a dinner for everyone since last Monday! I know, you're wondering how we ate. Leftovers one night. Gift card dinner another, no dinner another, then eating at a friends house another. Now I'm sort of getting ready for cooking again.

The party was great! About 12 women came over and we sat around, talked, and ate. Unfortunately everyone brought a dish and I made dishes to eat so there was so much food that we got stuck with a ton of leftovers. Leftover meals are great. Leftover desserts and snacks can make a person start to feel a little sickly.

Yesterday, instead of cleaning after the party, Charlotte and I went to the zoo. It was so much fun, even though it was cold. We jumped from indoor exhibit to indoor exhibit and saw all the primates. It was great to get out of the house and see the sun! Today we did the same thing and went to the Botanical Gardens (free if you live in the city). I didn't realize how much I missed going outside during the cold winter days! It is such a blessing to have sunny weather days in the middle of winter. It's supposed to get cold again, but I don't care as much now that I've had a little time outside. Do you find that your mental health improves with outdoor time? Mine does.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear tht you & cahrlotte are feeling better - I was a little worried when you hadn't posted all week. Dan gets sick so seldom, he often doesn't know HOW to be sick (I think the last time he was really sick was on his birthday the first year he was out on his mission, so his 20th). Glad your party wnet well & you had fun at the zoo & gardens. We are still waiting for warmer weather to melt the FEET of snow.

Anonymous said...

Outdoors is definitely meant to improve one's mental health--especially in the winter. I always dread those days that are just too cold and icy and I have to run inside on the treadmill--the boost in mental health from exercise seems to be of diminished capacity when I have to run inside. On the other hand, this past Saturday I was able to get out and run 6 miles and I came back so energized!

Glad you and Charlie are feeling better. Dan, I'm sure, will feel better soon. Love you guys.