Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The past couple of days Daniel has come home quiet-very quiet. I know this means one of two things: 1) he's tired or 2) somethings stressing him out. He never tells me if something is stressing him out until after the fact so I asked if he was tired. He said no. So I waited for option 2 to present itself. This waiting game can last anything from hours to weeks. I was hoping it would pass soon. Today I picked him up from school (the bike is still broken) and he was positively chatty! I found out that since he has an test tomorrow (in ethics) he was feeling that he didn't have enough time to get all his studying in. Then today there was only 1.5 hours of lecture and tomorrow he wont have any lecture before the afternoon test. So I guess he figured he will have plenty of time to study. Glad that one is over.


Anonymous said...

You've had an interesting several days. One the advantages of being a stay at home mom is the flexiblity to take "time out" when things go bump. You can sit & read to Charlotte when she decides a nap isn't happening or enjoy time to cuddle together after a scary morning. The housework will wait until things calm down & everyone is calmer. We love what you do for your family.

Maggie said...

LeAnn-Thank you so very much. It's always a good reminder to take things as they come (and to get compliments too.)