Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Countdown

6 days until we close on our house
9 days until Dan's done with his first year of med school

I'm not sure which he's more excited about. I'm certainly excited for both! Since Dan's doing summer research it's not like he'll really have a great summer break, which makes the being-done-with-the-first-year-of-med-school a little less exciting. Don't get me wrong though, we'll be 1/4 of the way through the first phase. Yippee! Also, I realized the other night that I'll be in the neighborhood of 32 by the time we're done with this whole thing so that put a damper on my enthusiasm.

As for the house Dan has planned out everything as far as he possibly can without acutally getting inside and doing some work. Last night he was ruminating over countertops and wall color for the kitchen. We can't chose those until we know if we're going to be able to salvage the hardwood floors in there or put in tiles. This didn't stop him from trying to chose anyway. Finally I had to look him in the eyes and tell him to stop. He realized that he's gone as far as he can go right now.

I'm not sure if he really can be excited about either prospect right now though because he has so much studying and learning left to do. He has 5 hours of lecture today. He's gonna come home exhausted.


Unknown said...

buck up little camper...32 is still a young spring chicken. Trust me, you'll see when you are 32. Just remember age is a state of mind.

Anonymous said...

GOOD advise Shannon. We are also excited to come to your new home and pitch in. Hardwood in the kitchen will be very cool.

Mindy said...

I'll be 35 when we get done...if George does a 4-year residency. So when you're feeling badly about how long this all takes, and how old we'll all be when it's over, just remember you're good ol' friend Mindy, and how she's older than you. I think the most depressing thought is that I'll be about 43 when we get the student loans paid off. And that is IF we're very disciplined loan-payers.