Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stormy Weather

Yesterday I got all the laundry done. I cleaned the house. I changed the sheets on the bed. I went to bed with the confidence that I would be able to go to play group today without anything weighing on my mind. I got up this morning ready to go walk Grant's Trail.

Now we're in the middle of a thunder storm.

How am I going to fill Charlotte's day now? I got everything done yesterday! I'm taking this as a lesson for the future. Never get everything done in one day. You must save some for tomorrow. Just in case.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Amen! We must always leave something to do tomorrow. So the next time you are feeling guilty about the amount of housework that didn't get done today, just remind your self of these things:
Why didn't I get the last load of laundry in the wash?
Because I have to do it tomorrow.
Why didn't I vacuum and mop every room in the house today?
Because I have to do some of them tomorrow.
There's no better excuse than that!