Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

It's a little dark, but this is probably my favorite Mother's Day gift this year.  The poem says
Mom mom I love
You I do I do
When I feel 
Down you
Cheer me
Right up
Love Charlotte 
She is getting to be such a thoughtful person.  She also got the chance to go to the Mother's Day store at school this year and pick out a gift for me all by herself.  She said, "I knew you were looking for new fancy pillows so I got you one."  It is fancy.  Hot pink and orange and in the shape of a flip flop.  

Greg made me a treasure hunt that had no map.  He was the treasure finder, complete with "night vision" binoculars with a flashlight attached thanks to great g-ma/pa for his birthday Saturday, and I had to follow him.  Unfortunately he could only remember where one of the three pieces of treasure were.  It was a great sticker page he made for me out of Cars stickers.  This year I told him about how he was born the day before Mother's Day and he was the best present I ever got.  He kept asking/reminding me all day that he was the best present of all.  I think he was tickled by the idea.

Dan got me a bird feeder.  A while back I made bird feeders with the kids that didn't turn out.  Well I had a huge bag of birdseed leftover and it was just sitting around so Dan thought I would like a bird feeder.  I do love to watch birds (must be from my parents and grandparents who always have a million birds around).  This is nearly an industrial size bird feeder so once they figure out there's food in it I'm sure they'll realize they hit the mother load.


dad said...

You're a great Mom

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful day !!!